Version 3 (for Rhino 7 and 8)




We offer both Standalone and Network licenses. Please use the links below to download the files according to the type of license that you have purchased or will be evaluating. Standalone and Network licenses are not interchangeable. Note that we do not use the Zoo for Rhino.

View our helpful resources below the Download links.

Orca3D V3 now supports running in Rhino 8 with both .Net Framework and .Net Core platforms. If you have been running a version of Orca3D that required the /netfx startup option, you can now remove that option or if you have used the setdotnetruntime command with the .NETFramework option, you can now run setdotnetruntime and change to the .NETCore option (unless /netfx or NetFramework is required by other plug-ins you may have installed). You may now start Rhino 8 by double-clicking on a .3dm file.

Note: The download links assume that you have a Version 3 License Key for Orca3D. If you have a Version 1 or 2 license, this is a paid upgrade. You may try it as a 15-day trial license before deciding to purchase a Version 3 Upgrade. If you don’t have a license but would like to evaluate Orca3D, please click here.



Important notes on Version 3:

  • Version 3 runs in Rhino 7 or Rhino 8. In either case, be sure that you are running the latest service release of that version of Rhino.
  • With this version Orca3D is compatible with NETCore, so no special steps are required to run in Rhino 8. If you previously added the /netfx switch to the properties of your Rhino 8 shortcut icon and no other plugins that you have require it, you may remove it. If you previously ran the setdotnetruntime command with the NETFramework option and none of your other plugins require it, you can instead select the NETCore option. You may also start Rhino 8 by double-clicking on a .3dm file.
  • Version 3 will not run in Rhino 6 or earlier. 
  • Orca3D Version 3 and Version 2 can both be installed on your computer, but Rhino can only load one version at a time. You may uninstall Version 2 or, to use both versions on the same computer, contact us for instructions. Version 2 will not recognize Orca3D data saved with Version 3 (e.g., section locations, etc.).
  • Version 3 is a paid upgrade from Version 1 or 2. The Advanced Stability module is purchased separately, and is not an upgrade to Level 1 or Level 2. 
  • Orca3D Version 3 uses a different license key than Version 2.



For Orca3D V3, the packaging of functionality has changed. In prior versions of Orca3D, the user could purchase Level 1 and Level 2, the latter adding to the Level 1 functionality. The "Level 1" and "Level 2" terminology will not be used in Version 3. Rather, four modules are available and may be purchased in any combination:

  • DESIGN: Includes the Hull Design & Fairing, and Basic Hydrostatics & Stability features. This is equivalent to the previous Level 1.
  • ANALYSIS: Includes the Speed/Power feature, the CFD interface, and the Weight & Cost feature. This is equivalent to the previous Level 2, except that it does not include the Level 1 functionality and is priced accordingly. The previous Level 2 is equivalent to the Design and Analysis modules together. The ANALYSIS module is not dependent on the DESIGN module so it may be purchased without the DESIGN module.
  • ADVANCED STABILITY: Includes compartmentation and tank modeling, fluid and solid loads, unlimited load cases, free surface effects, intact and damaged stability with stability criteria evaluation, and tank tables. This is a major new module and is not an update/upgrade from Version 1/Version 2.
  • ORCA3D MARINE CFD: Includes a special version of the SimericsMP CFD software purchased from Orca3D, LLC. Requires the ANALYSIS module as a prerequisite.



Highlights of Orca3D Version 3 include:

  • New optional Advanced Stability Module, including compartment and tank definition, fixed and fluid loads, multiple load cases, free surface effects, intact and damaged stability, tank tables, compartment/tank area & volume reports, and stability criteria evaluation. This is a significant upgrade in the capabilities of Orca3D and it is an optional module beyond the Level 1 and Level 2 modules that Orca3D has had in the past. See the Advanced Hydrostatics & Stability page for more information.
  • New Propeller Wake Survey analysis and reporting function for Orca3D Marine CFD
  • Unlimited number of conditions (Fixed Load Cases) may be saved for Basic Hydrostatics (replacing the single Design condition)
  • Floodable Length calculation
  • Multiple sets of Section definitions, to be used for hull design and fairing, hydrostatics, or lines drawings and offset tables
  • Grasshopper components for Hull Assistants, Basic Hydrostatics & Stability, Planing Hull Resistance, and Displacement Hull Resistance
  • Weight Reports may now be grouped by Material
  • Stock Material Library now has Export and Merge functions, and the user may specify the location of the Library xml file
  • Added flexibility in selection of surface(s) for Planing and Displacement Resistance prediction, as well as the Load Case to be used
  • Addition of van Oortmerssen resistance method
  • Improved analysis reporting throughout
  • Rhino 8 compatibility. Version 3 is compatible with Rhino 7 and 8, but not earlier versions of Rhino (Version 2 is compatible with Rhino 6 and 7, but not 8)
  • More licensing flexibility including the option of either a Perpetual license (as in the past) or an Annual license, as well as the ability to have different numbers of each module on a network license
    • Annual licenses are entitled to technical support, all minor updates (e.g., version 3.x to 3.y), and all major upgrades (e.g., version 3.x to 4.x) that are released during the license period
    • Perpetual licenses are entitled to technical support and all minor updates (e.g., version 3.x to 3.y). Major upgrades (e.g., version 3.x to 4.x) must be purchased.



Upgrades for Orca3D Version 1 and 2 Commercial Licenses

  • Licenses of Orca3D Version 1 and 2 were perpetual.
  • Version 1 and 2 users may choose to continue with a Perpetual license when upgrading to Version 3, or may choose to convert to an Annual license for the Design and Analysis modules.
  • The Advanced Stability module may be added with either an Annual or Perpetual license.
  • Annual licenses are entitled to technical support, all minor updates (e.g., version 3.x to 3.y), and all major upgrades (e.g., version 3.x to 4.x) that are released during the license period
  • Perpetual licenses are entitled to technical support and all minor updates (e.g., version 3.x to 3.y). Future major upgrades (e.g., version 3.x to 4.x) must be purchased.


Upgrade from Version 1 or Version 2



Upgrade Level 1 to Design module

$250 for first year, $500/year thereafter


Upgrade Level 2 to Design and Analysis modules

$500 for first year, $1000/year thereafter


Add Advanced Stability



Prices are in US$; for Network licenses add 25%




Upgrades for Educational Licenses

  • Educational licenses (Version 1 and Version 2) are not upgradeable to V3 Educational licenses. Users who still qualify for educational pricing may purchase a new Annual Educational license for Version 3.
  • Those who no longer qualify for educational pricing may upgrade to an Annual or Perpetual commercial license at the Commercial Upgrade price.




New Licenses: 


New Commercial Licenses




Hull Design & Fairing, and Basic Hydrostatics & Stability




Speed/Power, Orca3D Marine CFD interface, and Weight & Cost



Advanced Stability

Compartmentation and tank modeling, fluid and solid loads, unlimited load cases, free surface effects, intact and damaged stability with stability criteria evaluation, and tank tables.



Prices are in US$; for Network licenses add 25%



New Educational Licenses


Design & Analysis

(Individual Student, Standalone only)


Design, Analysis, and Advanced Stability (Individual Student, Standalone only)


School Lab License (30-user Network License for Design, Analysis, and Advanced Stability)


Prices are in US$




Sunset of Version 1 and Version 2

  • Version 1 is no longer available for sale.
  • Technical support for Version 1 will end June 1, 2024.
  • Version 2 will no longer be available for sale after December 31, 2024.
  • Technical support for Version 2 will end December 31, 2025.


Below you will find the links to download the Installation Instructions, the Installation File, and a sample model. The Orca3D Help file includes a tutorial as well as detailed information on the new Advanced Stability module.


Click here to book a free 30-minute private introduction to the Advanced Stability module.


We encourage you to send questions and feedback to