New Version (2.0.7) now available
We are happy to announce the release of Orca3D Version 2.0.7. This is a free update to Version 2 license holders. If you have a Version 1 license, please click here to purchase an upgrade to Version 2.
To update a previous installation of Orca3D Version 2, use the Control Panel to uninstall your current version. Next, download the installation file from this page. Double-click on the downloaded file to run it, and follow the instructions.
Following is a summary of what is new in Version 2.0.7:
New Features:
- A new command, OrcaCreateFloatPlane, was added to allow the user to define a plane (representing a measured flotation plane) from one, two, or three freeboard or draft measurements. For each measurement, the command requests input of the reference location of the measurement (such as a transom corner or deck location where the measurement was made from) and the measurement to the water surface. If only one point is specified, the flotation plane is assumed to be a zero trim/zero heel plane. If two points are specified, the plane is assumed to be either zero trim or zero heel depending on the relationship of the first and second reference points. Finally, if three measurement points are specified a general plane with heel and trim is created. The resulting plane is added to the Rhino model so that it can be used as input to a hydrostatics calculation.
- Added the ability to define axis-aligned box and cylindrical refinement zones for CFD analysis in Rhino/Orca3D without having to define them in SimericsMP directly. This functionality can be enabled from the OrcaSimericsAnalysis command form by clicking on the “Options…” button and enabling the “Use Grid Refinement Zones” checkbox. After doing this the main command form will include a new Refinement Zones tab within which the user can create new refinement zones using Rhino UI interaction.
Enhanced Features:
- Modified the OrcaHydrostatics command to allow defining a flotation plane for hydrostatics by selecting a planar surface in the Rhino model. The form associated with the hydrostatics command has a new “Select Float Plane” button which allows the user to select a planar surface in the model. The sinkage, trim, and heel for this flotation plane is automatically computed and entered as input once the plane is selected.
- Modified the automatically-generated Python script for running multiple simulation speeds with Orca3D Marine CFD so that the CFD grid file is automatically saved before running the simulation. This prevents the possibility of inadvertently generating a slightly different grid file later that could prevent loading of saved results.
- Modified the form for the OrcaSimericsAnalysis command to move less commonly-used command options into an Options form accessed from the main form.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug in the OrcaOffsetTable command that prevented an offset table from being created if there were no waterlines or no buttocks defined.
- Fixed a bug in Holtrop analysis output where the reported margin was 100 times larger than the input margin (and the margin actually used in the analysis).
- Fixed a localization bug in the OrcaSimericsAnalysis command in which those users who have a comma as the decimal separator for floating point values would have the flotation plane in the wrong place when creating a Simerics project because it was not parsing the VCG correctly.
- Also fixed a localization bug in the OrcaCreateCfdReport command which caused reporting problems for users with a comma as the decimal separator.
- Modified model-ship correlation allowance, Ca, calculation in the OrcaCreateCfdReport command to impose upper and lower limits (0.0008/0.0002) on Ca to account especially for smaller vessels that might be analyzed. Also adjusted Ra and Ct to be based on Swet excluding Sapp.