New Orca3D Release: Version 1.3.5
We’re pleased to announce the release of Version 1.3.5 of Orca3D. This version has been through a number of Work-in-Progress (WIP) releases, allowing us to incorporate feedback and suggestions from many of our users. We appreciate all of the comments that we received during this process.
Some important points to know about Version 1.3.5:
- This is a free update to all of our licensed Orca3D users and, as a full release, will not expire.
- Any Orca3D information in a Rhino file that is saved with this new version will NOT be readable in version 1.2.4 or earlier versions. No native Rhino model information will be lost, but Orca3D information, such as section locations, weight/cost information, etc. will not be found by earlier versions of Orca3D. Since this is a free update for licensed users, we recommend that version 1.3.5 be used to avoid this issue.
- This is expected to be the last version of Orca3D that is compatible with Rhino 4. All future updates, WIPs, and upgrades will require Rhino 5.
- Rhino requirements: Rhino 5 64-bit SR 12 or higher; or Rhino 5 32-bit SR 12 or higher; or Rhino 4 SR 9 or higher.
- In the event that a critical bug or other significant issue is discovered in version 1.3.5, there may be a 1.3 Service Release that is compatible with Rhino 4.
- Some new features which are still in development are not included in Version 1.3.x (Stability Criteria Evaluation, Longitudinal Strength, new Developable Hull Assistant, Marine CFD Interface).
- A new WIP (1.4) has also been released, which includes Stability Criteria Evaluation, Longitudinal Strength, a new Developable Hull Assistant, Marine CFD Interface and more.
- Version 1.3.4 includes both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the standalone and network license versions.
Highlights of Version 1.3.5 include:
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug in exporting hydrostatics results to CSV files which occurred when righting arms were not being computed.
- Fixed a bug in the planing analysis command and implemented additional error handling/reporting resistance prediction commands in general.
- Fixed a bug in lines drawing when a station spacing other than 1 is specified and the units were still being included in the station label
- Fixed Orca3D settings form to properly reflect choice of custom meshing parameters
- Improved error messaging related to failures of the drag library.
- Updated Orca3D forms for high-resolution scaling in Windows 10.
- Made several improvements in the Orca3D installer(s).
We recommend that all of our Orca3D users download and install Version 1.3.5. Before installing, please uninstall any previous versions. No changes to your licensing are necessary. If you are using both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Rhino, you may have both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Orca3D installed at the same time.
If you have questions as you install and use the new release, remember that you can:
- read through the Help file which is available from the Orca3D menu in Rhino, and on our web site here
- send an email to
To download the new version, please visit Our Current Users page
Thank you very much for using Orca3D, and we look forward to hearing from you!