Testimonial- Viking Yacht Company

"Viking have been interested in CFD for 15 years, and until now it was always just out of reach due to cost, processing requirements, and time. Orca3D Marine CFD now puts the power of CFD into our hands at a reasonable cost in both dollars and CPU requirements. The software is easy to use once you get the hang of it, and we found the training very helpful. Now we have the ability to run tank test resistance simulations any time we want, and do not have to wait for available time at the towing tank. Changes to the models can be made quickly and easily on the computer, whereas changes to our tank test model had significant limitations. Any time we have questions, the Orca3D and Simerics support is quick and to the point".

-Joe Snodgrass, N.A.


Click here to check out Valhalla, and read about how Viking Yachts successfully uses CFD.