Orca3D Version 2 is here!
We are pleased to announce the release of Orca3D Version 2.0, the first version of Orca3D targeted for Rhino 6. Significant effort has gone into ensuring full compatibility with Rhino 6 and 7, but there are other improvements to Orca3D as well. During the past ten years, Orca3D has grown and improved through incremental updates which users could download at no cost. Version 2.0 is the first paid upgrade to Orca3D since its initial release in 2008. If you have a Version 1 license, click here to purchase an Upgrade.
Improvements in Version 2 include:
- Full compatibility with Rhino 6 and 7
- A new command, OrcaCreateStrake, was added to provide a convenient method for creating lifting strakes on planing hulls. The command allows the user to define the base curve for the lifting strake as an iso-parametric curve on the surface, a planar section curve on the surface, or any user-defined surface curve. The strake cross-section geometry, longitudinal extent, and taper characteristics can also be defined. The resulting strake geometry can be optionally joined to the hull surface.
- A new command, OrcaCreateFloatPlane, was added to allow the user to define a plane (representing a measured flotation plane) from one, two, or three freeboard or draft measurements. For each measurement, the command requests input of the reference location of the measurement (such as a transom corner or deck location where the measurement was made from) and the measurement to the water surface. If only one point is specified, the flotation plane is assumed to be a zero trim/zero heel plane. If two points are specified, the plane is assumed to be either zero trim or zero heel depending on the relationship of the first and second reference points. Finally, if three measurement points are specified a general plane with heel and trim is created. The resulting plane is added to the Rhino model so that it can be used as input to a hydrostatics calculation. The OrcaHydrostatics command now allows the flotation plane to be defined with a planar surface, and the corresponding sinkage, trim, and heel are automatically computed and used for the hydrostatics calculation.
- The Orca3D Ship Hull Assistant has been extended to allow incorporation of bulbous bows into the generated hull geometry. If the option to create a bulb is selected, the user can control the length, height, width, and cross-section shape of the bulb. The resulting bulb geometry is integrated into the hull as part of the same surface.
- A new Orca3D Hull Assistant has been added for creating developable hull shapes. This new assistant uses Rhino’s developable loft functionality to generate hull forms based on user-controlled deck sheer, chine, and bottom profile curves. An optional chine flat may be included. Note that due to a bug in Rhino 6 SR11, the chine flat surface creation may fail. McNeel is expected to address this issue in SR 12. In the meantime, the user can manually construct a surface between the two curves bordering the chine flat after the rest of the geometry has been created.
- The licensing system that was used in Orca3D Version 1.x (Nalpeiron) is being replaced by a system called CopyMinder. CopyMinder allows you to move the license to a new computer, or re-install on your existing computer after making changes (such as a new hard drive) without having to de-activate the license or contact us (but note that frequent installation on new computers will invalidate your license).
- The HydroComp Drag Library has been replaced by our own for the Savitsky and Holtrop resistance methods. This will make it easier to add new methods in the future, as well as provide technical support for this module of Orca3D. Our library has been thoroughly tested using the published sources. However, due to differences in interpretation of the methods, you may see small differences (generally <5%) in the results for the same hull between Orca3D Version 1 and Version 2.
- A new command, OrcaNavCadAnalysis, was created that allows Orca3D to interface with the speed/power prediction program, NavCad, developed by HydroComp, Inc. This command requires geometry, hydrostatics, and other input from the Rhino model then exports this information to a script that can be imported into NavCad where additional analyses can be performed.
- Extended the OrcaSimericsAnalysis command for performing CFD self propelled simulations to include the option to define propeller performance based on the Gawn-Burrill propeller series (in the noncavitating operating regime). The Gawn-Burrill series consists of 3 and 4-bladed propellers with segmental sections defined by flat faces and circular backs that are generally considered to be representative of the propeller blade shapes used in the small craft recreational boat industry.
- Added the ability to define axis-aligned box and cylindrical refinement zones for CFD analysis in Rhino/Orca3D without having to define them in SimericsMP directly. This functionality can be enabled from the OrcaSimericsAnalysis command form by clicking on the “Options…” button and enabling the “Use Grid Refinement Zones” checkbox. After doing this the main command form will include a new Refinement Zones tab within which the user can create new refinement zones using Rhino UI interaction.
- We have extended the CFD analysis command to allow the automatic creation of Python script files for running multiple speeds sequentially, without the need for user interaction.
- OrcaCreateCfdReport was enhanced to include computation and plotting of non-dimensional drag coefficients (Cf, Cr) along with the computation of the ITTC 1957 Cf values for comparison. Added a table of definitions to the report output. Modified the user interface for creating the report to allow multi-select of simulations to include/exclude from the report, making selection easier. Added color-coding of worksheet cells that are expected user input and protected the workbook to avoid inadvertent modification.
- Added RhinoScript access to certain Orca3D objects, such as the most recent stability calculation results.
- Added the ability to define Orca section locations interactively using mouse selections.
- Orca now supports import and export of Precal hull offset files. The import functionality is provided through the standard Rhino file open/import dialog, and export is provided through the OrcaExportCurves command.
Version 2.0 lays the groundwork for even more growth in Orca3D. After this initial full release of Version 2, development will focus on adding significant new capability, especially in the areas of compartmentation, free surface effect in tanks, intact and damaged stability analysis, and resistance prediction. Some of these features will be additions to the current Level 1 and Level 2 offerings, and some will form a new Level 3. As with previous versions, there will be Work-in-Progress (WIP) releases, so our users can try the new functionality and provide feedback. Look for email updates on the progress and posting of new releases.
Upgrade Pricing and Purchasing Information
Orca3D Version 2 is the first paid upgrade in the 10+ years of Orca3D development. We are following a licensing and distribution model similar to McNeel’s model for Rhino; upgrades from Version 1 to Version 2 are available for 50% of the price of a new license.
To qualify for the Upgrade pricing, you must have a Version 1 license. When you purchase the upgrade, we will confirm your status in our records. If for some reason we are not able to confirm your eligibility we will contact you for further information, such as your Version 1 License Code (389000…).
To purchase an Educational upgrade, you must still qualify as a student or professor. Once you purchase, you will be asked to verify your status prior to receiving the upgrade (e.g., current student ID, current course schedule, etc.). If you no longer qualify for an Educational upgrade, you may purchase a Commercial upgrade.
Please contact your reseller or visit https://orca3d.com/pages/upgrade-to-version-2 to purchase your upgrade.